Iowa State University – Strategic Plan 2022-2031 Proposal Form

As part of the ISU Strategic Plan 2022-2031, the university welcomes active participation in the form of projects and initiatives that will help attain stated goals, University priorities, To Be Statements, and Thematic Pillars. This form will allow individuals the opportunity to showcase their projects and propose why ISU should fund and undertake this proposed initiative.

This form will ask project sponsors for the following details regarding their proposed initiatives:

  1. Project Name
  2. Project Objective
  3. Executive Summary
  4. Approach
  1. Project Sponsor(s)
  2. Alignment
  3. Timeline and Milestones
  4. Budget/Resources Required
  1. Sustainability
  2. Impact
  3. Success Metrics
  4. Partnerships

Please complete each question thoroughly as this will be your opportunity to highlight your proposed project/initiative for consideration. After submittal and thorough review and evaluation, projects with the most potential will be recommended for funding to the President and Senior Leadership. Projects will be approved on an annual basis and it is expected that your project would need more than a year of funding, your proposal leader would need to resubmit an application in the next funding year.

Submit your completed form online here by XXX

For any questions, please email

We look forward to reviewing your ideas and are encouraged that you are actively looking to make a positive and strategic contribution to ISU’s Strategic Plan. Thank you.

Proposal Form

"*" indicates required fields

What is the project looking to accomplish? Please state the project objectives to meet the goal(s)
Highlights and summarization of the key components for the project.
How will this project be completed? Please describe the steps required to successfully complete the project objectives, milestones, and goals.
Please share the project leader’s name, title and unit, email and phone number as well as the same information for any additional team members. Why are you well-suited to lead this project?
How is the project aligned to the University’s strategic plan, the Thematic Pillars and the To-Be Statements?
How long will this project take to complete? What milestones will be accomplished during the project’s duration?
Please provide your projected budget. How much will this cost and how will the money be allocated/spent? Aside from financial, what other resources may be required to complete this project (facilities, personnel, etc.)? If applicable, what other sources of funding will this project include and/or leverage?
Max. file size: 50 MB.
What are the future needs of this project upon completion? Will this project, once completed, required future funding and what are possible sources of future funding? For projects longer than one year, please provide expected budget for each out-year.
How will this project impact the ISU community (internally and externally)? How does it benefit to ISU and its stakeholders? What is the ROI (return on investment)?
How will this project measure and define success? What KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) will this project use to track progress? What are the strategic success factors this project is tracking towards?
Will the project be working with any groups/organizations/industry/government partners on or off campus? If so, which ones and why?Please share main point of contact for each of the partner entities.
What else would you like to share or expand upon? Please use this section.
Max. file size: 50 MB.